• 배경1

    Vision Saha

    Opening a hopeful future!

    Saha has logn been a city of infinite potential
    with a harmony among nature, people, and the city.

  • 배경2

    Vision Saha

    Opening a hopeful future!

    Saha has logn been a city of infinite potential
    with a harmony among nature, people, and the city.

  • 배경3

    Vision Saha

    Opening a hopeful future!

    Saha has logn been a city of infinite potential
    with a harmony among nature, people, and the city.

Introduction to Saha


Introduction to Saha

Saha is a fault zone mainly composed of faulted mountains,
valleys and coasts.
The Goejeong River, a tributary of the Nakdong River, originating at
Mt. Siyak, once started from the SSari Valley, ...

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Culture & Tourism

Tourist Attractions

Eulalia in Mt. Seunghak

The height of Mt. Seunghak is 496m above sea level. It is located to the west of Mt. Gudeok and Mt. Siyak and just behind Dangni-dong.

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The convenient transportation for citizens
Introducting the transport for travel Saha



Perfect for sleeping comfort
Clould you try visit once?



What would you like to eat?
Introducting the restaurants Saha
